Gratitude is the Attitude
We hear Gratitude is the Attitude a lot, but how many of us actually practice it? How often do we take a few moments in private or share with someone else what we are grateful for? One of my favorite things I consciously incorporated into my life this year was this challenge. I started with saying them to myself in bed as my sleep time regiment. I found it to be calming and a beautiful way to wind down and fall asleep thinking happy thoughts. As days ran long and heavy eyelids closed, I was often forgetting about my gratitudes. I searched for an app that I thought would be a great way to keep track of my daily gratitudes and encourage me to be more consistent. The Gratitude Journal 365 (free, see link below) APP is in a calendar format where you can free write on the day you choose and add a photo if you wish. Since I love to journal and take pictures, I decided I would write three gratitudes a day and add a photo or quote that would remind me of the day. I can say this has absolutely effected my happiness and now has become less of a challenge and a new habit I enjoy. I believe when we bring awareness into the things we are grateful for we start joyfully seeing even the little things a whole lot more! What are YOU grateful for?
Start your own gratitude journaling today!