Happy New Year 2016


As 2015 comes to an end take a little time to be proud of everything you accomplished this year, big and small.  Thank yourself for your efforts, your strides and your comitments. That is what will inspire enthusiasm to keep it rocking right into 2016.  I find the best way to move forward with the things you'd still like to get done or accomplish is to write out what you need to do to get there. We can all sit and write out our goals but identifying what the steps are to achieve them is what will move you from step 1 to 2 and so on! A wonderful book I used last year to do this, I highly recommend is Your Best Year Yet By Jinny S. Ditzler.  The work book will help guide you!

Honor yourself completely, smile about it. You are amazing! 

Have a safe and Happy New Year and trust you are right where you need to be as we ring in 2016! Sending blessings and gratitude to all of you for a healthy & prosperous new year.