Tips To Keeping Our Mind, Body & Soul In Check

How many times do we get too busy, hit a slump or get off track with our physical and mental health? Do you find that this happens most when we actually need it most? If you answered YES... keep reading for inspiration. Believe me, I'm with you.  

Photo By Erik Almas

Photo By Erik Almas

We often end up coming down on ourselves when we don't fulfill the expectations we've set. So let's ask ourselves what are the most important things we want to keep in check with? This can change of course. In this moment, get focused on some nonnegotiable's for yourself. Try to establish a time to do this at the beginning of each week. Make it your Mind, Body, Soul little checklist!  

Can you connect to the emotions  and visualize how you feel when you stay committed? Breathe into that for a few moments. Does it make you smile, are you uplifted, do you feel better? These are the things you want to keep in-check with when the excuses want to high jack your motivation. 

A few of mine are; 

  1. Moving my body daily

  2. Put healthy organic food into my belly

  3. Quiet my mind with gratitude

  4. Getting enough sleep

I continue to learn that no matter what, when I do these things I am going to feel better and even if my list of what I hoped to get done falls dramatically short, I can still be compassionate toward myself. And that definitely leads me to be more compassionate towards others as well. So take this for a test drive. Next time that voice is saying "I don't want to," pause and visualize the sensations of the result of how you feel when you follow through with whatever your mindful actions are and see if that helps propel you into action rather than excuses.  Make choices with acceptance and awareness, not punishment and guilt. You'll find yourself following through with your mind, body, soul priorities more and more.

Are you facing some challenges? Let me know if any of these quick tips help? I love hearing from you guys!  
