Happy Holidays With Love & Cheer

Tis the season to feel full of gratitude and love for all your many blessings.... right? 

Snap by Erik Almas

Snap by Erik Almas

It's been a beautiful day full of relaxing, great meals, exchanging of gifts, holiday movie favorites, stories and the comfort of being surrounded by loved one's in my parents cozy home. On this very Merry Christmas Eve I've had the time to sit quietly as I feel the warmth of the fire, the twinkling Christmas tree lights, the smell of peppermint oil being misted into the air and the simplicity of just being present. My heart feels so full. 

I love taking time as the year wraps up to write and reflect . As we all know it's easy to get overwhelmed and complain we don't have enough time to get everything done we'd like to do but can I inspire you to take time to do this one thing?  


  • grab a notebook and write

  • sit quietly and think about them

  • use your notes on your cell phone and plug them in

There is no pressure to make it a lengthy list or take more than 10 to 15 minutes to do this. However, I'm going to ask you to enjoy doing it! Praise your accomplishments no matter how big or small and see them physically written or in your minds-eye and honor yourself for all you do in a year. These are the building blocks of joy that shine light into our souls and help us get clear to see what's next for 2017. You're amazing! 

From my family to your's enjoy the Holidays! Sending you all blessings, cheer and all the joys this time of year brings. 

XO Andrea