Evolving From A Multitasker... You Ready?
Hello wonderful humans! I'm coming right out to ask... are you constantly tempted to multitask?
According to the Author of The One Thing, "Since the 1920’s the word multitasking has existed but it was’t until the 1960’s that it was being used to describe computers, not something the human race did."
A girlfriend calls: “Hi Dre what are you doing?”
Me: “I’m multitasking a million things like champ, getting stuff done… you?”
I admit it, that’s actually come out of my mouth for years now. I wore that phrase like a badge of honor, truly believing I was efficient in doing many things at once. Thankfully several resources including meditation, yoga and helpful literature have all inspired me to see how ineffective multitasking actually is. I'm challenged continuously and catch myself over and over again having to stop, realize I'm doing it and change my patterns.
For example; I can memorize lines for an audition as I listen to upbeat music with lyrics, I can be on the phone and attentively listen as I unload groceries, I can read articles and pay bills on line switching from tab to tab while also creating Spotify playlists for my yoga sessions. These are are just a few of the things I thought I could do at the same time and do well. It really wasn't until I began consistently going to yoga that more awareness of myself & distracting habits surfaced and meditation helped me understand how to practice changing it. Get connected to the word practice, I use it a lot and find so much comfort knowing my growth lies in my commitment to practice... EVERYTHING.
Snap By Erik Almas at the Taj Mahal in Agra, INDIA
In the middle of writing an important email you stop and switch tabs to your on-line banking to pay some bills, then you decide to hop up and make a snack then back to the computer, someone texts you and you start engaging and before you know it you’ve just wasted two hours and not completed one thing. This is embarrassingly sometimes my day. I don’t want to pull anyone down here with me… but tell me I’m not alone?
When I look at my todo list, I know I’m notorious for making long one’s. I even put the lists into categories and it’s still daunting. It's quite aggressive to think I could get it all done in a month let alone a few days. Do you do this too? It’s my attention span that often has to be redirected. How disrupted are you by your own thoughts? It's apparent that distractions surround us constantly and we will drive ourselves nuts if we don’t create a unique, personalized system that releases our ideal of doing several things at once. Let's start there. Deep breath in and out... and release the need.
We want to actually complete tasks, we want to feel amazing about getting multiple things done... but in order of importance not scrambling them together like your best breakfast omelette, right? So how do we redirect our energy into doing one thing at a time? I love the juggler analogy The One Thing uses, "even a juggler, catches one ball at a time."
Catch yourself and pause. Reflect for a beat about it bringing awareness around it. Re-direct your actions into what's most important and follow through on one single task. Then move onto the next. Have a chuckle about it.
Challenge yourself to be completely present in doing one thing at a time. Notice how different you feel. Enjoy and appreciate how wonderful it is.
For me, this is it. Meditation is what calms the mind and creates a rich connection to the self and your ability to be still. Try 5 minute MOODBOOSTS with me as I talk you through various ways to quiet the mind with the Mindsail App. Sit with your beautiful self and love it.
Snap by Erik Almas in Sarnath, INDIA
I have no doubt without yoga and meditations I’d be a total basket case still trying to master the art of multitasking, determined to be the best at it. No matter what your fitness routine or mindful practice is... can I inspire you to capture the essence of slowing down and taking one thing at a time? With how fast things come at us these days, connecting to your ability to enjoy something moment by moment will enrich your capacity to be present with yourself, the tasks you want to achieve and others who are graced with your presence more and more. I'm with you on this journey, I love the challenge it presents and look forward to doing less with more focus as a singletasker.
Thank you for stopping by. If you have any great tips about being a better singletasker... send them my way! Let me know if you find any of these tips helpful... share your progress! I'm so proud of all of you.