I love opening up DEADLINE and seeing friends, students and acquaintances take over the headlines, it's incredibly inspiring! Hollywood Life can constantly remind you of what you don't have or haven't accomplished yet, like many other career paths, but my BIG AND BOLD question to us all is.... WHY WOULD WE LET IT?
I take pride in always striving to show genuine love and support to others. Joining the philanthropic women's goals group THE NEW HOLLYWOOD last year reassured me that my excitement to be motivated by others is steadfast and ever growing. TNH wants to inspire everyone to rise higher, shine brighter and give back. Heck yes, this is my kind of people! I'm thankful.
All my actor pals out there know the vibes that exist in the variety of casting offices we land in. You're running your dialog in your head over and over, waiting for your turn to shine. You look around checking out how each other dressed for the part, probably bump into a friend or two and say a quick hello, not to distract each other from remaining focused and take a moment to ground yourself.
My tips for getting grounded quick:
Feel your feet in your shoes, feel the support from the floor beneath you
One to three deep inhales and exhales (in the nose out the mouth)
Say a little mantra or prayer if that's your thing, mine is: "I release myself from needing this job, the work is done, let's have some fun"
Smile, send good luck vibes around the room and maybe even a "break legs" to the others waiting as you leave
We've all put in some dedication to our craft if we're getting into rooms to audition. Doing the work and hitting home runs is what is in our control. Accepting whom ever is meant to get the job will get the job is what helps me let go of any comparisons or drifts into negative thoughts. Believe in yourself and let go.
Between meditation and a consistent yoga practice, I trust my 'tool kit' I've acquired and allow myself to continuously expand. This is a practice. I think our natural tendency is to go right to the things you don't have, wish you were doing more of and cling to failures rather than successes. I also think most would agree, we WANT our natural tendency to lean into the positive rather than the negative, right? So lets make it happen. We have the power with-in!
Monument site at Sarnath, INDIA where Buddha delivered his first teaching. Photo by Erik Almas
Massive congrats out there to all of you working hard, showing up for yourself with some compassion, gratitude and dedication toward all that you're up to. For those visible in the headlines, I'm so proud of you! I'm inspired to continue on my own personal journey of thriving as an actress, sharing my passion as a yoga instructor and loving writing and sharing with you all right here through Inspirational Addict.
There's a beautiful song I love by Trevor Hall called "You Can't Rush Your Healing." One of the lyrics is; 'you're not running out, you're really running in,' which holds a lot of strength and power for me as I embrace becoming more self aware and appreciating who I am. All the parts, even the ones I don't clap for.
One last tip if you are curious and interested in beginning a meditation practice or growing a more consistent one, Oprah and Deepak do a wonderful FREE 21-day challenge a few times a year that really helped me get started. My first time I only managed 8 days, then the second round I really committed and now I am proud to say I regularly meditate. It was a challenge for sure, it still is some days. Enjoy the journey.
Click for the intro about the Mediation Experience and register if you like. It starts March 21, 2016.
Be your own cheerleader. Surround yourself with others who will support you and encourage you. Be brave and loving as you give that same support to others who cross paths with you.
“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. ”