More Issues Than VOGUE? Admit It, It's All Good

Do you ever feel like you've got more issues than VOGUE? Me too, admit it, it's all good.... let's have a smile about it.

I saw this and had to snag it from Pinterest. Why? Because there are days I feel like this. No matter how much self care I do, how happy I feel, how healthy I am... there are days I can still create a laundry list of things that are just crappy feeling. Are you with me on this? The important thing here is to recognize this behavior. It doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't have these emotions or lists, good gracious we're human. However, I will encourage you to invite them in and make friends with them. You most likely will be laughing at yourself in a few moments or at the very least be leaning into an opportunity to shift your perspective about them all. 

"I'm not a model moment"

"I'm not a model moment"

Example of my internal dialogue: 

Ugh, oh boy, I'm so tired. I look like hell. I'm over caffeinating myself... that's probably why you're bloated and your skin is bad. Wow, is that another gross sun spot? Hmmm, maybe I'll have another cappuccino. Shoot, I have to hurry.

Flipping this inner dialogue around: 

Deep breath in and exhale out. Well hello there 5AM rise and shiner. You are vibrant for being up this early. I'm going to have less caffeine today so let's start with a big water to hydrate my awesome skin.  A green juice will get me going and glowing. I am grateful for this day. Meditation here I come!

So now I've made friends with my thoughts. The negative internal dialogue can habitually be depleting of joy and happy thoughts. It's work you guys. I keep reminding myself of this. Getting into healthy habits and positive self talk is a process. If you've ever trained for anything at all you understand the dedication it takes to achieve results. Whether you have or not, can I inspire you to train yourself to start living a more joyous life? What if you treated yourself the way you'd treat a friend you want to show love and support toward.  Does that help? When I thought of it like that, it helped me. Filling ourselves with compassion is not always easy but it's certainly better to work on it than settle for being mean and unkind, which doesn't do any good. The issues we often think we have are emotions we give more weight to by fixating on them rather bringing a consciousness to what it is we'd like to change, see differently or with courage... accept.  Society shows us this as well. We all can fall victim to thinking more likes, followers, subscribers or being noticed in any form will make us a better person. This is where we "check ourselves before we wreck ourselves," (thank you ICE CUBE for the variation of lyrics I borrowed) Your authenticity, kindness and creativity you cultivate will connect with and be seen by those who appreciate the light in you. The issues you think you have will blur into the backdrop as clarity arises in the foreground! Believing is seeing. 

I challenge you to four daily rituals you can incorporate to any part of your day:

  • Say something positive to yourself when you look in the mirror.

  • Make eye contact and send a smile to someone in passing.

  • Jot down three things you're grateful for. (I use a gratitude app I love)

  • Do something physical that makes you feel alive and uplifted for at least 10min.

Thank you Sue Fitzmaurice for this little gem reminder

Thank you Sue Fitzmaurice for this little gem reminder

To be nobody but yourself in a world that’s doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting.
— E. E. Cummings

Do you have any issues you're questioning, feeling troubled by or giving more weight to than necessary? Remember you're not alone. I invite you share anything here if you'd like? Big hugs and thanks for popping by.