Connecting With Yourself
Can you take a moment each day to connect to your energy source? Can you let it ground you, center you and create space for that connection to carry throughout your day? YOU CAN. We always have choices to connect with our awareness and use this connection to challenge ourselves in situations that take place all day long. This awareness creates change. It allows you to feel into a response rather than quickly react. Be brave with your ability to expand and grow!
Photo at Prana Mar Villas, Costa Rica
Ask yourself, what is one thing you do every morning as you wake up and start your day? With-in these actions, can you fold-in a mindful act that connects you to yourself?
As I sit myself up and turn the alarm off, before my feet hit the floor I take three rounds of deep inhales and exhales, each round includes an internal "thank you for..." (takes less than a one minute). Does it happen every morning you ask? No, is the answer but it happens more often than not and that's better than when I never did it at all. May I inspire you to start thinking?
Great pockets of space I've found for me are:
Brushing my teeth, sometimes I do squats. Yes I do:)
Taking a shower, say at least three gratitudes. (my man gave me that one)
Driving, take my deep breaths and internal thank you's, if I missed it as I woke up.
Putting on make up, I listen to something inspiring, my new jam is Becoming Wise podcast by Krista Tippett (short ones)
Washing dishes, as much as I dislike doing this I'm finding podcasts to listen to or simply enjoying the calm, the quiet.
Important reminder: You are not me, you are you, get creative with where this can work for you and your schedule and the life you currently have. You got this!
We can always create space we just have to put our thinking caps on and bring some awareness to it. I'm starting to challenge myself to find more little pockets of time in a busy day where I can enfold something mindful. It's also been encouraging to slow down as well. Do you feel too busy, too overwhelmed, too chaotic to even think of what you'd do? I certainly have days like this so creating the patterns is what has helped me most. I know that when I wake up I'm going to take those deep breaths, I'm going to say some thank you's and jot down gratitude's and going to feel more connected to myself with these choices. You can do this too. Start with anything, just start.
“When you do things from your soul you feel a river moving in you. A joy”
Have a beautiful day connecting! If you have any tips that are working well for you please do share! If you need more ideas let me know, I'm happy to make suggestions for you. Thank you for popping by!