Shall We Meditate?

I get so excited when Oprah and Deepak announce another FREE 21 Day Meditation Experience is about to start. Let's get unstuck and create a limitless life all together. The experience begins tomorrow JULY 11, 2016 –so jump over to the website I've hyperlinked and register yourself. The App is even more helpful to easily access the daily experiences, especially if you miss one and get behind. You may want to journal which can be a fun part of your journey as well.

Oprah and Deepak will be your daily dose of mindfulness and feel like cheerleaders in your personal growth. I'm passionate and grateful about these experiences because I have felt such a shift with my day to day happiness and overall compassion that has immensely grown with-in and in-turn become more easily shared with others. Stressful situations are more manageable and things that can cause anxiety have lessoned. The connection to my own awareness helps guide me into a place of acceptance that I'm learning to embrace no matter what I'm going through. It's an experience, let it be simply that. 

I'd absolutely love some feedback if you join, share how you feel, let me know if it's coming naturally or feels challenging... let's keep building the community of mindfulness the way Deepak and Oprah are greatly doing for us. Enjoy yourself and have fun. 

The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the observer. We create our bodies as we create the experience of our world.
— Deepak Chopra

Thanks for stopping by! Have a beautiful experience.... Go get'm!