Ending The Year With Resilience, Who's With Me?

Hi gorgeous souls... hope you're all amazing and cruising into December with some grace and resilience. There is no time like the present to focus on what we have accomplished and use our heroic compassion to end the year strong. 

Wellness Influencer, Inspirational Addict Blogger actress and Sonoma New Mom, Yoga Instructor Andrea Bogart photographed by Erik Almas

Back in early September I decided (with resistance) to be a leader for the 5th annual Get My Body Back 90 Day Challenge put on by my women's goals group The New Hollywood; which is dedicated to supporting socially conscious storytellers and change-maker's. As a member and leader I committed to ten minutes of alternating booty and core work daily and posting an Inspirational Addict blog every Sunday supporting our mind, body spirit journey. While the challenge ends December 11th and I did not successfully complete my ten minutes of alternating booty/core daily portion, I will successfully complete this year with some bad ass resilience so I can start 2018 out with a bang. 

Who has ever set out to do something, even a small thing that you didn't complete and get to hold your glory torch for? Please tell me I'm not alone here? So what do we do with that feeling? It's pretty easy to fall into the negative-nelly lister trap. You take that one thing you didn't do and start dissecting how many other things you didn't do and pile it on top until you feel the weight like a sack of wet sand pushing you down. Let's not do that, OK? 

I had every intention of just coasting through my challenge as it felt very manageable. I did not intend on being evacuated from our home and spending a month in hotels wondering if it would survive the devastating North Bay Fires that hit us hard in October (we were spared, I'm eternally gratefully). While I found great comfort in continuing my writing during that time and my Sunday blogs lived on... the booty/core work slipped to the side. I made a deal with myself to get back on track even though I lost the challenge. It's happening but not always daily. And may I mention when I say lost, my $280 I put in to participate will be going to a charity I love, Youth Yoga, so more of a gain than loss really. While no excuse matters in our book, I refuse to beat myself up about it. I am more interested in letting that show me something I can grow from... ahh resilience kicking in. For instance, how I can manage my time better or being ok with what's most important to me in crisis or how to pick back up with a positive mindset. Allowing discoveries and new opportunities to shine through instead of feeling like a deflated failure is where we connect to a greater good with-in. Let's jump in there together. 

Try the rough water as well as the smooth. Rough water can teach lessons worth knowing
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
wellness influencer, Inspirational Addict Blogger Andrea Bogart at the Golden Gate Bridge with Photographer Erik Almas


  • PRACTICE GRATITUDE– I'm finding that I often find this at the top of all my tips and there's great reason for it. It works. Practicing gratitude has purpose that will shift your perspective instantly. When you take a failure, loss or negative attitude and start thinking about the silver lining your energy is now putting out more of what you'd like to have come back. Use this as a beautiful skill you are incredibly capable of doing anytime. My hack: take one thing you're feeling disappointed about and think about three reasons why it's all good.
  • GET CLEAR– Establishing clarity can be one of the most beneficial ways to put a strong attitude back on top. Respect your vulnerabilities by acknowledging your weaknesses and your positive attributes. When your humble, self-aware approach takes the drivers seat you will identity the why of situations more clearly. Save yourself from looking to blame others and own the things that are in your control to move forward positively.
  • IMPLEMENT A PLAN– Often we naturally think of failure as an end point. Not those of us practicing resilience! With a different view let's envision it as the start of a new opportunity to create a different approach. The choices we make with a desire to become better is a confident way of committing to your resilient mindset. 
Where you stumble and fall, there you discover the gold
— Joseph Campbell

As another year is quickly coming to an end, I want to lean into all the magnificent things that have happened, the opportunities I've created, the goals I've achieved and absorb that... I hope you'll do the same. I have a guide book journal with my women's group that is such a great tool for this. I will be sure to let you know when they go on sale for the public. Until then, check out "Your Best Year Yet" by Jinny S. Ditzler, recommend to me a while back by an incredibly inspiring soul, Todd McCullough with TMAC Fitness. It's an extraordinary process to take yourself through and start out 2018 with great intentions and inspiration self-propelled. And that my friends feels amazing! 

Wellness Influencer, Inspirational Addict Blogger, Sonoma New mom Andrea Bogart with Erik Almas Photography

Thank you for taking the time to connect with your resilient self. I write often from a place of needing reminders on my own personal journey.  And guess what? It's almost Inspirational Addict's two year Anniversary so THANK YOU from the depths of my tender heart for sharing precious time with me here! Comments, shared experiences, tips are always welcome and encouraged with me, I love to know what you think and any feedback you feel inclined to express. Have a wonderful week and spread some Holiday Cheer.