Need Some BIG MAGIC In Your Life Too?

Hello there! I hope you're all having a great week... who could use a little BIG MAGIC in their life? And by "BIG MAGIC", I mean the #1 New York Times Bestseller by Elizabeth Gilbert. We are all creative beings and part of my wellness means keeping my creativity flowing. How about you? Taking time to write, design a good yoga flow, curate the perfect playlist, sing songs I make up with my baby girl... it's all creative. Think about how you can lean into your creativity, especially if it's your passion. Allow Gilbert to be a sensational guide. 

It’s not an easy job to wake up everyday and pride yourself with enough gusto to begin, continue or finish a project your investing your heart in. The struggle is real with resistance and writhing ourselves with angst often attaching unnecessary melodrama to our process of creating. Elizabeth Gilbert delightfully reassures us we are all creative beings that behold a treasure chest full of jewels and it's up to us to decide which of our precious stones will be revealed throughout life. With an honest perspective bedazzled in a no bullshit demeanor, I laughed out loud multiple times. Humbled from being able to relate, not only to her experiences, but the examples of many, recognizing my own patterns and behaviors that get in the way and can bring my process to a screeching halt. I have journals of children's literature ideas and stories written from 2009 to the present that sadly I’ve never pushed myself to execute further, until now. In 2012 I started writing the phrase, “start your blog,” regularly on to-do lists. After spending three years redundantly researching “how to start a blog,” I finally launched Inspirational Addict in 2015. I love writing more than ever and don’t make a dime from it… yet— and that doesn’t matter. Since recently becoming a new mom, I’m inspired to recommit to my children’s stories and work toward getting published. My sense of wonder and excitement has a stronger foundation since I got my hands on this lovely read, reinstating my passion for simply creating.

Inspirational Addict Blogger, Lifestyle Health and Wellness, Sonoma Mama, Yoga Instructor, Actress photographed by Erik Almas

How many of you have ideas that you sit on for years and sometimes never follow through because of fear of rejection and self doubt? One of the best self-motivating tools I’ve acquired in my journey is curiosity, which Gilbert talks in-depth on. Curiosity gives us great insight to inspiration and tests how far we are willing to stretch ourselves into the unknown with acceptance of whatever results we end up with. This read, reminded us to, “for the love of God, create for the sake of creating”. It brings me great joy because let’s face it, with today’s social media platforms everyone seems to be a photographer, blogger, story teller etc. and comparing yourself by means of self-destruction rather than inspiration, will destroy your process for sure. We don’t need permission to be creative and authentic, we GET to be. So as “Big Magic” graciously honors the creator everyone, I’m along side Ms. Gilbert, encouraging us to listen and pay and attention as ideas guide us to places that ignite our souls and push forth with confidence into the things we love wholeheartedly.

If you snag the book on Amazon or check it out on Audible let me know how you like it! I love hearing from you guys... Cheers to being creative in however we choose to be! Happy Wellness Wednesday.

XO Andrea