Ready To Challenge Yourself Mind, Body & Spirit With TNH's Get My Body Back?

Hey hey hey lovelies, I'm inspired to share the official Invitation to the GET MY BODY BACK 6 (GMBB6) elective by "The New Hollywood" (TNH) starting September 12th through December 11th. That's a long commitment, I know. The first year I had major resistance about committing to this and now this is my third year leading as an expert to help support.  It's a beautiful way to end the year strong and hopefully invest in some new habits that become a way of life. That's what it's done for me and why I'm eager to get you on board. 

Do you wish you got more sleep, drank more water, spent less time on social media, started a meditation practice, took walks frequently, ate healthier meals, watched less TV, carved out space just for you or engaged in more mindful activities with friends or loved ones... to suggest a few? HERE IS YOUR YOUR CHANCE, WITH A COMMUNITY SUPPORTING YOU! Accountability is often the motivation that we all need to stick to our goals. Receiving and giving support with my TNH Members and having that accountability aspect keeps me driven. I’m motivated to continue to grow and pay that energy forward in a variety of ways. I love the charity component to this challenge for that reason. We keep the karmic energy flowing by putting $100 (tax deductible) into our registration toward the charity of your choice and when you complete your challenge successfully, your charity will win from the pot and TNH will mail you a gift. Choose something, anything, big or small that you believe will create a healthier, happier lifestyle for YOU– let's do this! 

Please visit the TNH link for all the details  to register today and join our Facebook page for your support team and good luck!