How To Practice Yoga– Let's Take a Prenatal Journey Together
Hello, how are you all doing out there? I hope absolutely wonderful, despite still not being completely out of this pandemic and the adjusting and adapting continues– depending on where you live I guess. Are you feeling the light at the end of the tunnel like I am though– one can hope right?
While I invite all of you amazing supporters to continue reading because this may introduce you to something new or compels you to share it with someone you know, it’s a bit catered to the potential and currently pregnant mama’s out there. I’m ecstatic I get to welcome you to join me for a whole-hearted, prenatal yoga series with mindful mediations and yoga sessions to nurture ourselves during this magical time.
Oh the joy’s of pregnancy are in full swing for me, as well as the colorful spectrum of emotions and hormones and this growing belly that is seemingly quite a bit bigger than I remember with my first. Any mama’s feeling those vibes with me? I love being a mom already and I am truly overjoyed with what feels like a miracle second pregnancy and hope that I can help support you in your unique journey as well. I’ve had one natural pregnancy in my late thirties that happened very fast, delivering us a healthy baby girl who is now three going on thirteen. We’ve spent the last few years trying for a second baby, having multiple chemical pregnancies and one miscarriage at eight weeks. We decided to turn to IVF for this pregnancy and we thank God daily that our transfer was a success, especially during such a challenging year. I’ll share much more about my personal IVF journey but that deserves a blog of it’s own.
“I have felt incredible energy and life force through my body, and I have really been reborn a happier, healthier, and more confident person. I have learned I can choose to focus on the darker side or the lighter side of all that is around me. I choose the lighter side and have the discipline to keep it up.”
I am in my third trimester now and glowing with gratitude that we’ll get to meet this little bundle in just a few months. I credit mindful practices as my guiding light in how much they’ve supported me through both pregnancies as well as being the mindful mama I am proud to be– (most days). Showing up as the partner, parent and human I strive to be is achievable with these practices consistently active in my life. I know that for sure. It’s why I feel so passionate about inspiring others to rock a mindful life-style as well. With over 300 hours of teacher training and a being certified RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), over the past decade I’ve been safely guiding mama’s through pregnancies and encouraging a whole-hearted approach that effectively weaves itself into the fabric of our being long-term. I say that with the disclaimer of how effective– is completely up to you and your commitment to your self-care. Focus on what you can do. Be so proud and gracious of your efforts no matter how big or small. There’s always room to grow.
I’m not a medical expert but I am a mama who’s had two different paths to pregnancy and I know how challenging, frustrating, emotional and draining the process to get here can be. I also cherish how exciting, trusting, courageous, compassionate and loving it can be too. I’m having my experience’s and you are having yours… nothing about them needs be compared. Just honored as uniquely individual, very personal and supported with a whole lot of love.
I’ve wanted to share more on-line yoga videos since ALO Yoga hired me to do a prenatal series for their Youtube channel during my first pregnancy. My own curiosity’s, client’s needs and motivation for growth has kept me learning about prenatal yoga to serve my students better and safety for my own practice. This year as we’ve been living through a Pandemic we’ve all had to create, adapt, pivot…etc, you name it in a plethora of ways to make our lives work, haven’t we? This actually gave me the time and swift kick into high gear to want to create something I could share on a global scale. I love the idea of reaching out to mama’s everywhere and coming together virtually to feel empowered in our own experience of pregnancy.
I’m thrilled I get to partner up with yet another wonderful platform that’s “bringing truly exceptional yoga teachers from across the world into your home” called How To Practice Yoga. My desire to create a Prenatal Yoga Series aligned with them, ahh how I love kismet! While we are starting off with a 5-class series, my intention is to be able to take us through an entire pregnancy journey and continue building a library of well-rounded classes. These sessions were taped through my second trimester and I provide a safe approach welcoming all trimesters and even those potential mama’s working toward pregnancy.
I’d love for you to take a cruise to How To Practice Yoga social media and take either of my complimentary 30-minute IGTV classes to give you a sample of my style and essence. I hope my passion for taking this pregnancy journey with all of YOU shines through. If you want more, subscribe to their platform to access this full series (launching the week of March 29th) along with some of my vinyasa flow classes.
The series includes:
3 Min Introduction to series
10 Min Introduction to Prop Use & Suitable Modifications with Safety Considerations
20 Min Mindful Movement & Meditation
30 Min Mama Daily Drop In
30 Min ReEnergize Your Glow
45 Min Happy Hips & Pelvic Floor
60 Min Feel It All Mama
20 Min BONUS Rest & Restore
6 Well curated Spotify playlists to accompany each session
Be sure to check out my public Spotify playlists for the series as well. I absolutely love mindfully curating music that can enhance a more joyful, relaxing, fun experience and deepen the connection to oneself. You can leave comments directly on HTPY website after you take a class and share your thoughts or reach out to me through this blog or my yoga website with any comments or questions, I love hearing from you. I’m sending you all blessings for wherever you are in your journey and thank you for being a part of mine.
xoxo Andrea
NOTE: ANDREA BOGART does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.